===== Ham College 102 - Extra exam questions - Part 40 ===== **Released: July 01, 2023** **Show Hosts** * George Thomas (W5JDX) * Emile Diodene (KE5QKR) **Topics** E8B Modulation and demodulation: modulation methods, modulation index and deviation ratio, frequency and time division multiplexing, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing and balanced modulators, detectors, mixer stages. Runtime(58:29) **Questions** - E8B01 - E8B02 - E8B03 - E8B04 - E8B05 - E8B06 - E8B07 - E8B08 - E8B09 - E8B10 - E8B11 **Watch** * Download http://www.amateurlogic.tv/downloads.htm * https://youtu.be/m1KMLuXuT-A **Sponsors** * Icom America http://www.icomamerica.com