===== Ham College 81 - Extra Class Exam Questions – Part 19 ===== **Show Hosts** * George Thomas (W5JDX) * Tommy Martin (N5ZNO) **Topics** * E4E Noise suppression and interference: Noise suppression and interference: system noise, electrical appliance noise, line noise, locating noise sources, DSP noise reduction, noise blankers, grounding for signals, common mode currents. Runtime(1:10:53) **Questions** - E4E01 - E4E02 - E4E03 - E4E04 - E4E05 - E4E06 - E4E07 - E4E08 - E4E09 - E4E10 - E4E11 **Watch** * Download http://www.amateurlogic.tv/downloads.htm * https://youtu.be/8bvOxqUivGU **Sponsors** * Icom America http://www.icomamerica.com