We had a little fun during post and put together this short promo. I hope you’ll find it entertaining…
Download the Trailer here: AmateurLogic Episode 1 Trailer
We’re On-The-Air
Episode one is now available for download! We visit a commercial WiFi Site and look inside to see what makes it work.
Plus, there’s a short segment on Emergency Power.
Choose the appropriate Torrent Download for your media player. If you don’t already have a bit torrent client installed, there are a few to choose from at download.com and ZDNet .
View in web browser. YouAre.TV or Goggle Video
Happy Viewing!
Hello world!
Welcome to AmateurLogic.TV.
Your source for practical technology hacks, mods, and tips.
In each episode we’ll present a fresh look at the technology around us, both old and new. Plus plenty of tips and mods to help you get the most out of the technology you own.